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Silver Linings in Difficult Times

Brooke Ozlem Erol

Updated: May 23, 2024

For those of us who are lucky enough to be healthy, there are some silver linings I see that comes out of this pandemic:

🔹 We never knew how to slow down; now we have a sense of it. May be we can do more of this after this is over.

🔹 We started looking at things we wanted to do for so long and even think about what makes us happy; what keeps us occupied and in the flow. That is super helpful in the future too. May be we will carve out some time to do the art, reading more books, doing knitting, cooking or whatever you discovered as something you love to do, when this over.

🔹We spend more quality time with our children at home.

🔹We are getting rid of stuff we don't need in our garages, in our closets, cupboards. We never seem to have the time to do this.

🔹We opened old albums, letters that we did not have time before. We remember important memories from our past. Why did we save all that anyways? When were we going to find the time to look at them?

🔹We are all learning more technology. That has always been important to be able to stay connected to next generations and we resisted. Now we know why we all need to understand it. It is our only connection to our loved ones.

🔹 We get connect to more people with video although we had the chance before.

🔹 We are learning to appreciate small things in life; things we have taken for granted for too long.

🔹When asked we always said "health comes first" but we did not act like it. Now we are really living it. We may have lost our jobs, our clients but we still feel grateful when the whole family is healthy now.

🔹 We see some great examples of generosity; some organizations are giving us free education, concert links, games for children, books from libraries, etc.

🔹 Even in the worst of times, we create humor. I have at least three new videos or images that crack me up every single day.

🔹 We know we inhabit the same planet and that every one needs to play their share to protect it. We did not feel how connected we are until a worldwide virus forced us to see we need each other. I surely hope we do not lose this consciousness to take better care of our planet when this is over.

🔹 It made it very easy to see who is a loving, compassionate, humanist leader and who is not. ( I try to keep track of all good leaders and companies sharing them on my Purposeful Business page. Please try to do business with them, support them, spend your money with them when it is over. )

🔹May be we will learn how to love our wrinkles, our older faces and be our real selves. May be we will learn to never be ashamed of our older age and judge others without the fillers and the botox.

🔹We understand that simple acts like going out with friends to get a cup of coffee, stroliing at the beach, getting a plane ticket to see your mom are things we can appreciate now.

🔹We started saying hello to friends who we have not called or got connected for a while.

🔹 May be we will learn how everyone in the world needs access to free healthcare so that we can all stay healthy together. This pandemic showed us we have to think about others staying healthy and getting the care they need because it affects us all.

🔹 We dont want any government intervention in good times but a big government to save us all when things are difficult. May be we can make up our minds after this.

I still want this to be over of course but let's remember what it teaches us when these days are over. May be our normal was not so normal after all. 😊💙

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